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We are taking a journey (& honeymoon) of a lifetime. Travelling to Chile, Argentina, & Antarctica we will have many places to explore and photograph. Among our main destinations will be Santiago & Atacama Desert in Chile; Buenos Aires, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, El Calafate, Torres del Paine and Bariloche in Argentina; Patagonia, both Chile & Argentina sides; Iguazu Falls, both Argentinian & Brazilian sides; Antarctic Peninsula, Falkland Islands, South Georgia and much more.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Another couple of Antarctic photos to share...

Chinstrap Penguins visiting Yankee Harbour from Deception Island.  We were unable to land on Deception Island (as planned due to rough sea conditions that made it too unsafe for zodiac operations) - fortunately Yankee Harbour was a goer!
This image was one of Coreena's entries into the Ocean Nova photo competetion for wildlife - although a finalist, no win on this occasion (although runner up to Roy).

Snow Petrel - we were told that sightings of these Antarctic sea bird may be rare... for us on the Ocean Nova we were privileged to see many during our journey.  Very difficult to photograph as they glide by so quickly... thanks to the speedy shutter on the camera for this one.

The weather at Brown Bluff on the Antarctic continent was a little icy to say the least.  In just a short time the kayaks (used by others in the group) became iced over.
Sit still long enough and even the penguins become a little snowed on - again at Brown Bluff on the Antarctic continent.  (Adelie Penguins)

Penguin jump - this is the photo with which Roy won the Ocean Nova photographic competition for wildlife! 
This was included in our previous photos but we didn't include a caption to brag about Roy's win of an international photographic competition - the "international" bit comes from the fact that there were entries from people of 4 different continents, judges from 4 different continents and the competition was judged in a 5th continent - Antarctica.

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