About Us

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We are taking a journey (& honeymoon) of a lifetime. Travelling to Chile, Argentina, & Antarctica we will have many places to explore and photograph. Among our main destinations will be Santiago & Atacama Desert in Chile; Buenos Aires, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, El Calafate, Torres del Paine and Bariloche in Argentina; Patagonia, both Chile & Argentina sides; Iguazu Falls, both Argentinian & Brazilian sides; Antarctic Peninsula, Falkland Islands, South Georgia and much more.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A newspaper article worth a read...

This article refers to tourists being blocked from travel in many of the areas we have already travelled, especially during our photo safari less than a couple of weeks ago... we are experiencing fuel rationing in Argentina when refuelling our rental cars (limited to 100 Argentinean Peso / approx $25 Aust. Dollars) each time at the pump - to get more it seems you have to do a loop in the car and return to the bowser for another purchase if you need to fill the tank.

We are rather glad that we are not in the Punta Arenas & Torres del Paine region at the present time and hoping this dispute does not affect us here in Argentina - fingers crossed!!


Thanks to Karel, a fellow traveller on our recent photo safari, for sending this link to us.

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